It is often said that familiarity breeds contempt, and unfortunately it is true in many cases. People feel that knowledge of our past gives them a certain license to determine […]
A cardinal principle of historical criticism of Scripture is something called “the principle of dissimilarity.” It is expressed in different ways but basically it means that the more strange, the […]
I often wonder why God puts up with us. We’re wasteful: with the planet, with one another, with life. We’re self-centered: in our pride, in our needs, even in our […]
As Jesus approached the massive marble columns of the Temple he was surrounded by the crowds gathered there for Passover. He dismounted from his little burro, gave the animal a […]
Out of the seeds of hardship and suffering, a letter of joy was written. How is that? How can such harsh things produce evidence of such peace and contentment? How […]
I just finished mandatory racial justice training for my standing as a UCC minister. I’m glad this is required. Many of the (mostly white) clergy in the Zoom room were […]
When the time comes … when the story of your life is complete and your family wants to erect a stone monument on your grave, what do you want written […]
In 793, Vikings raided the monastery at Lindisfarne in England. Also known as Holy Island, it was the most sacred site in the Kingdom of Northumbria. Desecrated. Its altars dug […]