Imagine More Stewardship Campaign

Countryside Updates and Events


Our games of chess played out the same way, over and over again: the opening […]

December 3, 2024

Martin’s Cappa and What it Did

Legend has it that once upon a time, in 300-something-CE Gaul, the unwilling soldier who […]

November 27, 2024

Devotional: A, B, C, D, E, F, G

In a pastoral letter years ago, an Episcopal bishop told this story: A man was […]

November 21, 2024


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If you are a potential visitor, or a first-time visitor to our church, the best way to learn more is to experience our 10 AM Sunday morning worship service and pick up a monthly newsletter. Browse our website and meet some of our people, our staff, and learn more about our beliefs, core values, and various ministries. After the service, please stop by the Welcome Center for a free gift. The host/hostess at the Welcome Center can answer any questions you may have or introduce you to a staff member for more information.

Countryside Community Church

Christian Partner of the Tri-Faith Initiative