People in Their Underwear Can Still Judge You – Devotional

Once when my middle-school daughter was nervous about speaking in public, I gave her timeless advice: “Just picture the crowd in their underwear.” With a quick wit, she responded, “But people in their underwear can still judge you.” 

She’s not wrong.

As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:12, 14 (NRSV)

It’s weird advice, really. As a weekly preacher, I’m always a little nervous. Not once have I thought it would be easier if my congregation was half-naked sitting in the pews. Beautiful people, but nah.

Anytime we amplify our voices or publicize our words, we open ourselves to judgment. People will have opinions about what we say and how we say it, no matter what they’re wearing (or not wearing). So, if we are called to speak at a meeting or preach the gospel, if we’re asked to present or testify, if we’re so inclined to put words on social media or write an article, then our concern should not be, “What will people think of me?” Instead, we might ask ourselves, “How can my words be clothed in love?”

Imagine a world where both our speaking and our listening are dressed to the nines as Paul describes. Any audience will have a diversity of judgments, perspectives, opinions, and feedback, but when public words are shared and received in a spirit of love, we create that holy fashion line Paul is talking about, bringing us together in harmony, so nobody has to go around listening to speeches in their underwear.


Holy One, empower us to speak and teach us to listen, clothed in love. Amen.

About the Author

Rev. Joanna D’Agostino is the Senior Pastor at Lakewood Congregational Church in Lakewood, Ohio.