Everyday Sunday – Spiritual Practices for Everyday Life Part 2: Prayers from the Heart

We are stepping a little further into our discussion about taking the connection and joy we seek with God on Sunday morning, into each day of our week. As we intentionally seek God’s activity in the world, we can find multiple ways to participate with what God is up to all around us. The first week of this series we talked about “Guidance Prayers” that we can do first thing every morning. Talking with God and rehearsing our schedules for the day, allow us to invite God into our lives, include God in the decisions we make, and ask God how we engage with others throughout the day in a way that recognizes that they too are God’s children who are loved beyond their wildest imaginations. By taking time to intentionally include God in your plans for the day, you are acknowledging God’s presence with you. And, by taking equal amounts of time listening to God in your prayers, you are allowing God to lead you into the fullest life possible for you.  Read
