Exhale, Inhale

I’ve been needing to remind myself to breathe these days. Listening to the radio, checking my phone, following the news: my body tenses, my shoulders lift, my throat tightens. “Take a deep breath, Kate,” I tell myself. And usually, I have to let a breath out first to actually accept any new air in.

Out, in. Out, in.

The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. – Job 33:4 (NRSV)

Maybe you know the feeling. I don’t think I’m alone. Fear, anger, grief—they get stuck inside of us like too much CO2, taking up all the valuable space we need for fresh oxygen. Holding our breath for too long, we lose our ability to make conscious decisions. We get confused, dizzy with all that excess chaos, stress, and uncertainty.

Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale.

Maybe I sound trite right now, like a self-help guru or your smart-watch. But who cares. Breathing is holy. The first thing God ever did for humanity was breathe life into us. The risen Jesus met his fearful disciples and breathed the Holy Spirit onto them. Our breath is a reminder that we are alive, that God is near, that we are not alone.

So, when the events of the world fill you to bursting, exhale. Let go of those toxic fumes. Release the anxiety, the bitterness, the despair to God.

Then inhale. Take in the Spirit’s presence. Breathe in courage, calm, and the assurance that God’s breath strengthens you even now.

The world may feel suffocating, but the breath of the Almighty gives us life. And as long as we are breathing, we are not defeated.

Prayer ~ Spirit of God, fill my lungs with your sustaining breath. Remind me to exhale what is hazardous and inhale what is holy. Amen

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Rev. Kate Kennedy is a New Hampshire-based UCC pastor pursuing a career in family therapy.