Finding Stillness: Taizé Worship During Lent

Lent is a season of reflection, renewal, and preparation—a time when we pause to realign our hearts with God’s love and grace. Rooted in the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness, Lent invites us into a deeper awareness of our faith, leading us toward the transformative joy of Easter.

At its core, Lent is about making space: space to reflect, to let go, to open ourselves to God’s presence in new ways. Some engage in fasting or giving something up, while others take on new spiritual practices—whether through prayer, study, acts of service, or simply being more present to the sacred in daily life. Whatever your practice, Lent offers an invitation to journey intentionally toward the hope of resurrection.

One of the unique ways we embrace this journey at Countryside is through Taizé worship—a simple, meditative form of Christian worship centered on prayerful chanting, scripture, and silence. Originating from the Taizé Community in France, this practice fosters reconciliation and peace, creating a sacred space where we can quiet our hearts and rest in God’s presence. Through repetitive, meditative chants, we are invited into a deep and prayerful stillness, where words fade and the soul speaks.

Contemplative Lenten Taizé Worship: Sundays, March 9 – April 13, 8:30 a.m., Chapel

Experience the peace and simplicity of Taizé worship this Lent. Join us in the chapel on Sundays, March 9–April 13, at 8:30 a.m. for a reflective time of prayer, scripture, and meditative music.

Through silence, prayer, and the repetitive beauty of Taizé chants, we’ll draw closer to God’s presence, preparing our hearts for the journey to Easter. All are welcome to this sacred space of renewal and stillness.

Come, rest in the quiet and let your soul find its center this Lenten season.