Public Worship Will Remain Online/Channel 3 Through September

The moderators and staff of Countryside Community Church have been working with medical experts in our congregation to decide what is best for moving forward. Wanting to err on the side of the health and safety of the congregation, a decision has been made to not resume public worship in September. While the church remains closed, we will continue to monitor the situation and provide alternative worship experiences and ways of connection. We are currently broadcasting our Sunday worship via the church’s website (Livestream from our website or YouTube Premiere) at 10:30 AM and KMTV Channel 3 at 110:30 AM (note September 13 will be at 7 AM). The health and safety of our church members and staff is our top priority as we make our way, together, through these uncertain times. For more information about how we have come to this decision, please go to the COVID 19 Response page.