Surprised and Stretched by Mk’s Story of Jesus – Session #1

Surprised and Stretched by Mk’s Story of Jesus

This four part series focuses on the Gospel of Mark’s story of Jesus – the first of the four New Testament Gospels to be written – and its distinctive understanding of Jesus. This Adult Education Series is led by Denny Clark, Ph.d.

Four part series:

  • Session 1 – Wednesday, Sept. 4 – See recording below.
  • Upcoming dates: Wednesday Evenings – Sept. 11, Sept. 25 & Oct. 9 in Marys’ Hall at Countryside from 6-7:30 p.m.

Session #1 – Mark as STORY

A story can be understood only if it is experienced. If it’s possible before watching this first session, please do a rapid read-through of Mk, STOPPING at 16:8, Mk’s original ending. It takes less than an hour and a half. Pay attention ONLY to Mk’s story, without ‘filling in details’ from other Gospels or ‘what you’ve always heard/thought’ about Jesus.