Heroes of Scripture: The Unnamed Woman – A Tri-Faith Clergy Conversation June 22

Heroes of Scripture: The Unnamed Woman – A Tri-Faith Clergy Conversation
Tuesday, June 22, 6:30 – 8 PM, via Zoom
Join us for our second session of “Heroes of Scripture: A Tri-Faith Clergy Conversation,” an example of real-life interfaith dialogue in action. Through this four-part series, each Tri-Faith community on the Commons will take turns hosting a discussion about prominent figures from scripture.
Countryside Community Church’s Pastor Anna Crews Camphouse will describe a Christian perspective on unnamed women in scripture, focusing on the story of the woman who anoints Jesus with perfumed oil in the Christian gospels. Afterward, clergy from Temple Israel, Countryside Community Church, and American Muslim Institute will engage in a panel discussion highlighting differences and similarities in their views of unnamed women’s stories.
Registration required – go to trifaith.org/events to register.